Tapping or EFT
Several years ago I was speaking to a friend about managing emotions when he suddenly piped up with, 'have you tried EFT?' EFT stands for...
Tips, topics, ideas, advice and food for thought to prompt discussions and different interactions between your child and you that will help them navigate life a little better.
Several years ago I was speaking to a friend about managing emotions when he suddenly piped up with, 'have you tried EFT?' EFT stands for...
This post was inspired by a performance I saw last night called 'Highly Sensitive' by Hannah Jane Walker. Evolutionary psychologists tell...
There is no doubt that some children are wired up to be more naturally empathetic than others. For example, the children I teach tend to...
(This is a post about older children and teenagers.) I learnt about the normative effect several years ago at a conference. It's...
Mindfulness has received a lot of attention in the last few years and for good reason. However, while there are some great advocates out...
I think most of us do it probably because our parents/carers did it: that is to distract our child away from their uncomfortable emotions...
I believe that as a nation, we are rubbish at debate. Although debate does happen in schools, learning how to debate healthily does not....
'Sorry, sorry' you often hear a woman say when she has burst into tears. 'Man up,' or 'pull yourself together', a male might hear if he...
You know how when you listen to a tune that evokes instant (and strong) happy memories and how you are immediately uplifted - the same...
The emotion that seems to cause the most concern with parents/carers that I talk to is their child's anger. This is fair enough because...
Being a parent or carer is not an easy job. It's 24/7 and there isn't a manual to guide you. We all do the best with what we have. And it...
When it comes to talking to kids about sex, intimate relationships and body parts, some adults stop being their usual rational, clear...
When a child does something wrong, most of us have been taught that the child needs to be punished. Punishments are not a terrible way of...
There are words for emotions in different languages that do not translate directly or straightforwardly into English because the emotion...
Obviously nobody can guess what another person is feeling with 100% accuracy all of the time. "I am wondering..." is a useful little...
Here is my blog post on the Bloomsbury education website about resilience linked to my most recent book. 'What's going on inside my...
An important part of developing emotional literacy is about helping your child to understand that all feelings are valid. We should never...
As I have said in previous posts, part of emotional literacy is about having some 'control' over (or 'good management of') the behaviour...
I put together the following five A4 emotion posters for use with my pupils at school. The emotions are straightforward on sheet 1 and...
What I cover in this post will seem obvious but I think it's always good to reflect a little because we tend to be so caught up in the...