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Tips, topics, ideas, advice and food for thought to prompt discussions and different interactions between your child and you that will help them navigate life a little better.

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Talk to your boys about feelings

Some of the messages our boys receive from a very young age.... Suicide is still the biggest killer of males under 45. And when males...

Regulating emotional responses

For children to develop better emotion regulation, it can help them to think about the 'gap' between the trigger that caused them to feel...

Make a Worry Mashing Machine

This is an an fun way to explore coping strategies for worrying, with your child. The idea is you're going to create a machine that you...

Thank you, not please

You might already know this little trick but if not, it's too good not to add to your toolkit of behaviour management. So imagine you...

Spectrum of happiness

Something useful that children can learn about emotions is that they have different strengths. Much of the time our emotions are so mild...

Kids and Worrying

Some children worry more than others and you will know if your child is prone to feeling anxious or not. A way you can explain worrying...

Correcting misdemeanors!

One effective behaviour management technique that I use with the children I teach part-time in a Pupil Referral Unit (children with...

How are you feeling today? by Molly Potter

I love this little book of mine because it is a simple (and therefore easy to use) way of helping children become more emotionally...

Face the negative emotions

In a world where we are bombarded with smiley faces in TV adverts, shop windows, magazines and social media, it would be easy to...

Emotional Literacy

Emotional literacy is an incredible key to opening up self-awareness. Our emotional responses in many cases can give us clues about...


Self esteem has had a fair amount of focus in recent decades and yet the understanding about what it is and how to get it still needs a...

Attention and behaviour management!

If you put your child in a room FULL of toys and sat in it with him or her, YOU would still be the best toy in the room as far as the...

The symptoms of anger

Now this might sound daft but teaching children about the symptoms of anger is extremely helpful. The symptoms of anger seem really...

'I' messages

This simple little tip can help children develop their emotional literacy as it helps them to 'own' their feelings. You see when someone...

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